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Ihr Profi für Deckensegel, Wandabsorber, Baffeln & Co. 

Entdecken Sie unsere Produkte aus Holz, Metall, recyceltem PE, Melaminharzschaum und Moos

Brilliant acoustics
...made simple

Over 150 customers already trust our expertise and our products.

Sie hätten gern nur einen Ansprechpartner für?

Raumakustische Beratung und Berechnungen, Decken- und Wandlösungen aus: Holz, Metall, Moos, PET, Bauausführung, Sonderlösungen, Rasterdecken, Vorhänge.

Room acoustics advice from experts

Construction with 
certified partners

Special solutions

Efficient products

- 10 years of industry knowledge

- regular further training 

- large network of partners

- broad portfolio

- Germany-wide network

- certified companies 

- experienced project managers

- experienced fitters 

- On time and reliable 

- Custom-made products

- Colors according to RAL and NCS 

- Fabric covering 

- Recessed lights

- Prototype construction

- highly absorbent 

- for stressed areas 

- balanced price/performance ratio

- easy assembly 

- DIY assortment

Now for your free initial appointment  agree.


Müller Acoustics

© 2024 - Florian Müller

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